Vinyl Picket Fencing = Years of Satisfaction

48” Vinyl Picket Garden Fence

48” Vinyl Picket Garden Fence

Vinyl picket fences can dramatically change the look of your yard, adding beauty and warmth to the landscape. From simple straight-top picket fencing to decorative scalloped-top fencing, you’ll find a wide selection of vinyl picket fence styles to suit your tastes. And our “neighbor-friendly” white picket fences are designed to look the same on both sides. No matter which vinyl picket fence style you select, you’re assured years of durable performance (the bottom rail is reinforced with aluminum for added strength and durability) and maintenance-free satisfaction.

Ball caps can add a nice touch to the tops of posts, giving the fence an upgraded look.

Ball caps can add a nice touch to the tops of posts, giving the fence an upgraded look.